Friday, October 22, 2010


Currently, Oreo makes a Halloween Oreo.  The only real difference between it and original oreos is the filling is orange and there are nifty Halloween characters on the cookies themselves.  Or is it? 

You see, I would normally not eat an Oreo.  When I eat an original Oreo the filling to cookie ratio seems a bit low.  Fortunately, Oreo has addressed this issue with double stuffed Oreos.  With the double stuffed Oreo the filling to cookie ratio is now too high.  These are the reasons why I stopped eating oreos.  I found this out years ago.  So long ago, in fact, that I cannot remember the exact date.

While April was pregnant she craved oreos.  So while I was in the store looking for Oreos I came across Holiday Oreos.  Little did I know, that moment would change my life.  These holiday oreos solved all of my problems regarding oreos.  Now, I too can enjoy one of America's favorite snacks.  Finally an Oreo that meets all of my criteria for a quality Oreo.

These special segregated Oreos have more filling than a normal Oreo but less than a double stuffed oreo.  On top of this, as if it could get any better, they changed the color.  Now I just feel like it tastes better. 

I tell this tale not to impress upon my readers (yeah there's two of you) my love of Oreos but rather to admit that with the holidays quickly approaching I am more jazzed up about holiday oreos than the holidays themselves.  Don't get me wrong, I look forward to seeing my son open up his Christmas gifts, celebrate his birthday, kiss my wife on New Years Eve (the one in New York) and so on.  But with the addition of the Halloween Oreos to the Holiday Oreos I know have special oreos for three months.


  1. HMMMM! Cookies!

    I always loved the Cookie Monster. Besides Oscar the Grouch (surprising I know) He was my favorite. I love cookies to this day, but the Oreo is not my favorite. It's too hard (that's what see said). Good post Will, check the spelling in the last sentence.

  2. Too much filling in an Oreo? Crazy talk.

    Good comment Mark, check the wording in your second to last sentence.
